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Ice Cream Decorating 10.3
Cocos Apps
Hi, how are you? Today you have the mostbeautiful surprise, you can have fun with us every day through thiscooking game for kids. Summer is very beautiful, is a warm seasonand we all like it. When the weather is hot we can walk through thepark, we can go to the sea and can even enjoy the tastiest icecream. Do you like ice cream with fruits? If you like this dessertyou will definitely love to prepare it yourself through this gameto prepared ice cream. This game for girls will help you have funas well and you could even prove to everyone that you're a greatcook. Today you will be our friend and we are sure that you willhelp us every day. If you like to cook this game is exactly whatyou need. You'll be able to make new friends and you can even doyour family proud. Ice cream is easy but it is important to respectrecipe.For the mission to have a perfect ending you will have to payattention to every detail of this game.Respect all instructions this game.Good luck!- Our little girl wants to make ice cream, you will have to helpher;- Buy all the ingredients;- The ingredients you need are: milk, eggs, sugar, flour, fruit andoil;- Mix well all the ingredients;- Enter mixture into ice cream machine maker;- Wait a few minutes;- Ice cream is ready;- Can decorate anyway you want;- If you want more chocolate you will find plenty on thetable;- Surely you did a very good ice cream;- Add fruits;- Ice cream looks great, you are a very good cook.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Baby Birth 7.4.3
Cocos Apps
Hello, children are the most precioustreasures of a parent. People want to have children to have whogive all their love. Children are the ones that make us morebeautiful day and they are the ones that make us glad that we seethe sun. You definitely love small children and we are sure thatyou want and a little brother. Today you'll be able to help a youngmother to give birth to first child. You will become our friendthrough this game for kids. Today you'll be able to play the role afamous doctor, the doctor will be able to help this woman to givebirth. You must be very careful in how you take care of her becauseshe is very sensitive. The details are very important and that iswhy you have to use all your skills.Please follow all instructions of the game with babies.- Young is called Riley and she started to have pain;- She wants to go to hospital;- She will have to sit on the bed;- You can begin to consult;- Check blood pressure;- Check if the girl has fever;- Check heartbeat;- Now you need to give her a pill;- Make ultrasound to see if the baby is healthy;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born, he is a beautiful child;- We need to check the weight and length;- Check heartbeat;- Change the diaper;- Give him milk;- Choose the most suitable clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a very good doctor.Thank you chose today to help us. Please come back every day tohelp us through this game for girls.Have fun!
Wash Dirty Dishes 9.2
Cocos Apps
Hi, welcome! We need help from a friend. Areyou ready to help us do cleaning and washing dishes? We haveinvited some friends to the dinner and the kitchen does not lookvery good now. We cooked all day and there are many washing dishes,you have to help us to make everything to look good through thisgame for kids. We are sure that you are a very hard working kid andyou'll do well with everything. Every day your mother is makingclean, prepare meals, wash dishes, go to work and even she has timeto go with you to the park and we are sure that you have noticedshe does everything very well. If you were paying attention to yourmother you will manage to finish this game. You will love to provethat you can do useful things, you'll be able to prove to yourfamily and friends that you are a very responsible child. Ourdaughter, Ava, is waiting to help her.For everything to be easier I have prepared a few guidelines thatcan help.Good luck!- In the beginning you will know Ava;- You will notice that the kitchen does not look very good;- Collect all the garbage;- Gather all the dirty dishes;- Clean the table with a special detergent;- Mop the floor;- Wash the refrigerator;- Clean all cupboards;- Enter the dishes in the dishwasher;- Enter dishwashing liquid;- Start the dishwashing;- Wait a few minutes;- Now the dishes are clean;- Clean water with a towel;- Arrange all the dishes in the cupboard;- In the fridge you will find food, you'll be able to arrangeeverything on the table;- Now dinner is ready, you did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Newborn Sister Got a Name 8.9
Cocos Apps
Hello, you like kids? Do you like to play withbabies? If you enjoy being around babies means that you are exactlywhere you need. Today, through this game to care for a baby you canhave fun with us. Today you will be the best friend of ours andthat is why we want to please help us to take care of a friend whois pregnant. This is due to give birth and only you can help her.This game for girls is very interesting, you will like to attendthe birth of a child, you will have the most important role, youcould be a doctor who will help the young mother to know her baby.Because everything should be easy you will prove to everyone thatyou are a responsible child who may have the most important role.If you have more skills now is your chance to be able to proveyou're a capable child.We trust you, we know you'll be very attentive to every detail ofthis game for children.Follow all instructions of this baby care game.Good luck!- The young girl feels bad, it soon will be born;- You can begin consultation;- Check if younger has a fever;- Check blood pressure;- Make ultrasound;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Check the weight and height;- Change the diaper;- Check heartbeat;- Wash the child with special soap and warm water;- If he cries you'll have to give to the child a toy;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Finally you will have to give to the child milk and fruits;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a great friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Ironing Wash Kids Clothes 8.7
Cocos Apps
Hello, every day we see how our mother wakesup, she makes cleaning, prepares breakfast and then gather all thelaundry to be washed. She loves her family family and is verycareful to everything be exactly as it should. Surely you cleanyour room, we're sure that you collect all the laundry that shouldbe washed, but you ever washed your dirty laundry? Have you everironing the clothes? If you have not done these things beforeyou'll have the opportunity to do so through this ironing clothesgame. This washing clothes game you will like very much, you willhave fun with us and certainly you'll be able to test your manyabilities. Every day you can prove that you're a hard-working kidand definitely you will manage to prove to all that you can be animportant help for your mother. This game for girls will love verymuch, you'll feel great and definitely make new friends. Our childwas alone at home and wants to do something useful but he wants toreceive your help.If you want to help the child you will have to be very attentive tothe game instructions.Good luck!- In the beginning you will getting to know Mike, he is homealone;- While he is watching television he thinks that it is a good ideaironing some clothes;- First you will have ironing his sports equipment;- You must pay attention to the temperature at which the materialhas to be ironing;- Then you have ironing the rest of clothes;- The boy can dress with sports equipment;- He can now play with the ball;- Mike wants to play out and he will therefore have to take theball with him;- He will gives some water to the dog;- After making sport Mike should wash all the laundry;- You will have to help him;- Enter detergent in the washing machine;- Enter laundry and wait a few minutes;- The laundry is clean now;- You have to put them in the closet;- Mike is happy, you are a good friend.Thank you for helping, please come back daily through thisironing clothes game.Have fun!
Kindergarten Kids Story 8.2
Cocos Apps
Hi, if you like small children you are exactlywhere you need because today you will be able to go to akindergarten to take care of children. This kids game is verybeautiful, well you will have fun with us. If you like stories wedefinitely are lucky because you have chosen to visit us today. Youhave to go to a kindergarten and to help children. There into thiskindergarten you will know our beautiful daughter. She is happybecause she knows that today she will know you and become yourfriend. This game for girls will help you test your skills andreally all you can to prove to everyone that you are a veryresponsible child.Our little girl wants to learn and play and only you'll be able tohelp her.This game has many details and you have to be careful.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- Our little girl is ready to go to kindergarten;- Help her to get to the kindergarten;- You have to learn her the letters;- Help her write a few words;- The little girl wants to play in the park;- You have to help her to skate in swing;- You have to help her to learn colors;- Prepare a picnic;- Girl wants to eat more fruits;- Apples are her favorite fruit;- Now she wants to fish;- Certainly with your help you will be able to catch this manyfish;- Plant nuts;- You must be very careful as to peanuts planted verycorrectly;- Decorate the playground;- You did a good job, you are a friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily through thisgame.Have fun!
Fashion Mom Crazy Nail 5.3.0
Cocos Apps
Hi, how are you? Do you have plans for today?If you have not planned anything for you today will help us to havefun. You want to be our friend? If you want to make new friends andhave fun when you will have all you want here, in this kids game.We need the help from a friend because we opened a beauty salon andwe do not have enough employees. Would you like to help us today?If you want to help us you will can do that through this girlsgame. We are sure that you will do everything you need for ourclient to be very happy. This is a young mother and she wants tolook good, she needs to help her to have the most beautiful handsand nails.Through this game you will be able to test your skills and prove toeveryone that you are a responsible child.Pay attention to all the details of the game.Respect all the details of this makeup game for girls.Good luck!- At the beginning you will meet your client;- She needs you to help her with the hands and nails;- Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water especially;- Apply an exfoliating gel;- Apply a nourishing mask;- Apply a moisturizer that will help her hands to look verygood;- Clean nail polish on the nails;- Cut nails;- Apply a nail treatment;- Apply nail polish and choose the most beautiful models;- Choose the most beautiful jewels;- Our young client is very happy;- You're a good friend.Thank you for what you did today, please come back every day tohelp us through this game.Have fun!
Princess Pet Newborn Care 6.8
Cocos Apps
Hello. Today has opened the most beautifulanimal fair , which has available rooms filled with animals fromwhich we can choose whatever we want . He came to this fairprincess in order to buy a dog , but does not know who would fit ,so he needs your help. In this game, you must help choosing the dogand take care of it further .1) First you have to choose a dog .2) have put him in the cage and close it .3) you will go to the doctor because they do not feel well .4 ) there will you administer treatment .5) The dog must go to the castle princess .6) the dog has some wounds on the body, must help him .7) you're going to clean all wounds and you will put bandages onthem.8) you will be thoroughly washed to clean.9) then you must help him to eat .Thanks you agreed to help us through this game for girls, and weinvite you to choose other games of this developer .Good luck!
Maternity Surgery Hospital 4.7
Cocos Apps
Hi, welcome! We are very happy that you havechosen to visit us especially in this important today when an eventwill occur, namely the birth of a child. Today you will know Mary,she is pregnant and will soon give birth to a child. She is veryemotional and desperately needs your help to be able to know herbaby. We are sure that you really like babies and you'll be able todo everything you need. You will have fun with us through this gamewith babies, you would like to help a young mother and especiallyyou will love to see smiles. If you want to become a doctor todayyou have the opportunity to test your skills that only a doctorhas. You're a smart kid, good and responsible and that is why youare the perfect candidate to be the doctor on duty. You'll be ableto prove that we made the right choice. Mary trusts you andtherefore please respect all instructions of this game forgirls.Pay attention to all the details of the game with doctors.Good luck!- Mary has pain and she needs to go to hospital;- You can begin consultation;- Check if the young has fever;- Check heartbeat;- Make ultrasound to see if the baby is ready to be born;- Make anesthesia;- Apply an oxygen mask;- The child was born;- You will need to consult him;- Check heartbeat;- Wash with special soap;- Apply a lotion for babies;- Change the diaper;- Choose the right clothes;- Give him food and milk;- Give him a beautiful toy;- You did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this gamewith doctors.Have fun!
nurse bathing salon 7.7.1
Cocos Apps
Hey, we all had moments when we felt verytired after a very busy day. Children come home tired after a fullday of educational activities and parents after a day of work fullof unexpected things. You know what it is like to sleep in streetclothes just for the reason that you have not managed to get inyour room to change the clothes. Even if these things happen veryrarely we have to admit that sometimes the help is welcome. In thiskids game you will meet a nurse who is called Maura, she worksdaily with sick people, she administers medications, and help themwith advices.She is a good friend to anyone in need. After a busy day, withurgency, with people who can not move without help or can not eatalone, Maura is exhausted. After she gets home she can not doanything for her, can not even take a shower only. Your role is tohelp her, you have to be careful about what she wants. Follow theinstructions for Maura to be happy. What do you think? Do you thinkthat you will succeed? Sure you willl be able to do all that isnecessary for our nurse.1)For the beginning, you have to help her undress, then be carefulto open and close the water when she makes a hot water steam. Now,she is in the bath you have to make sure that you will choose theshampoo for hair that she likes most. Wash her hair and rinse itwith hot water and dry it. For body you will have to use a soapthat fits with the skin of our young nurse. You can use a towel toclean the water.2) After bath, girl needs a facial treatment. With a single clickyou can select masks but and rinse shower with. On the table youwill find four different masks: a mask Apricot Scrub, a purifyingmask with kiwi, mask with strawberry extract which is a mask thatcreates a soft skin and do not forget the cream. Finally you haveto apply slices of cucumber, tomato and orange for skin hydrationaround the eyes. It is important to eliminate acne on the face withthe help of a device.3) Now is refreshed and a beautiful young woman, she must prepareto go to work. Help her to dress. Do not forget the first aidkit.Thank you for visiting us and we recommend you go back to playingand other games for girls and nurse games. Thank you and come backsoonThank you for your help, Maura is very happy with the help that youhave provided.
Headache Pain Doctor 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
Leni is our friend and tomorrow she will havean exam in English and she wants to learn as much for this exam soshe stayed all day with books in hand and began to teach. In theevening, our friend Leni started a headache but it didn't know whatto do, thinking that he would go away. After a while, the situationhas worsened and Leni had to go to the hospital to get rid of thepain and continue to learn. You're the best doctor for children soyou will pray to care for our friend because he wants to continueto learn. Must apply a cream on your nose to breathe easier andafterwards he must spray a cleaning solution to the entire face. Weneed to remove nose hair is in excess and removes all germs, so youcan breathe better. We need to make an appointment at the eye andsee if everything is in order and apply a very thin cream on eyes.Then he must administer a tablet and see that Leni hasn't problemand can learn relapse. We suggest and other games for girls in thisseries in order to care of other children.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mommy Kindergarten Cleaning 8.8
Cocos Apps
Hello. Kindergarten is where all children gowhen they are small to play together, to learn some things andstudy, preparing for school. In this place there are so manychildren and debris must be one match. Ladies dealing purity fellill so now parents of children must come to clean. In this game,you have to help my friend's mother to clean; you think you canhandle it? Before you start this game please read the instructionsto know what to do. Good luck!- For starters you have to go to the store.- Buy products required by the mother.- Go home with her.- She wants her daughter to make them a cake.- Cake fell off the table and the whole room was dirty.- Must now make clear.- Help her gather on the floor and wash.- You need to fix the walls and glass.- Then you go on and you clean colloidal there.- You should go to buy things for kindergarten.- You will delete all entries in kindergarten and you fix theTV.- And outside you have to do clean.- You have to redecorate the room and you're done.Thanks you agreed to help us and invite you to choose and othergames for girls in this developer through which you can returndaily to help us.Have fun!
Hotel Resort Cleaning 4.7
Cocos Apps
Hi, how are you? Do you want to play with us?Do you want to become our friend? If the answer is yes means you'llbe excited to see what we have prepared for you through this gamefor kids. You would like to become our friend and you willdefinitely be able to help us with everything we need. For a longtime we want to open our hotel and we managed, our business is atthe beginning but we are sure it is a successful business. Do youwant to help with our project? Surely you're a good kid and we'llhelp us with all we need. Only with your help will look good thehotel and customers will be satisfied. We know that you will beable to make your family proud and even you will make new friends.With this cleaning hotel game you'll use your abilities, and morethan that you can have fun.Customers must arrive and only you can help us, for everything tobe perfect, please follow all instructions of this game forgirls.Pay attention to the details of the game.Good luck!- The hotel is very nice, you will love this place verymuch;- First you have to clean the pool;- Collect garbage and arrange seats;- Then you have to clean up in the bathroom;- Clean the tiles;- Clean the sink and bathtub;- Clean the mirror;- Then you have to do cleaning in the bedrooms;- Gather all the dirty laundry;- Collect garbage;- Wash carpet;- Clean the walls;- Arrange furniture;- Clean the dust;- You must clean up the living room;- The hotel looks very good;- Customers will be very happy;- You did a good job, you're a great friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Flying a kite 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
Our friend thought that today is a great dayto fly a kite. She went out and buy a kite and ready to lift up butdoes not know how to dress. We must help her. We need to polish upyour hair, to put them a more relaxed dress or a dress, a pair ofjeans with a shirt or a blouse. We need to choose some accessoriesto match the dress chosen before, we have to wearing a pair ofshoes, boots, sandals or even sneakers. Have to choose a pair ofsunglasses and our work has ended. Hopefully, the wind blows thekite will easily and very high upControls: Use your fingers to play
Leg Fracture And Surgery 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
Lina is preparing intensively for thecompetition that will follow in the coming weeks and really want towin this contest jumped in length. Lina goes every day to doexercises and prepare but today was injured during a workout and itlooks like he broke his leg. We must try to do better because Linahas to participate in this contest. You're the only doctor surgeonthat Lina is available so we will ask you to help on our littlefriend. Must he received a dose of liquid anesthetic that Lina willnot feel anything during surgery. You need to locate a rupture andcircled with a pencil to be easier. You need to cut him skin tocatch them bone and is mounted with some surgical screws to fastenthe instep. After bone fixation have to sew some bandages and putthem to not see the cut. Ii must Masami foot and easy operationcompletes. We invite you to choose and other games for girls inthis category to be able to groom another person.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Gift maker christmas games 8.9
Cocos Apps
Hello. When Christmas approaches, everyonemust buy gifts and make more people happy. Now, during this period,besides the fact that Santa Claus brings gifts to children thanexpected and pleasing everyone, and we need to help him becausethere are many people and need to give gift to all. In this game wehave to prepare some gifts for the little ones, and you have atyour disposal all the necessary elements and all the things youneed. Be a good person and try to help the Santa Claus to make somegifts as beautiful as the original.1) First you have to choose the teddy bear which will give giftsto children, ie you must choose a teddy bear that you will thenshape as desired.2) you have to give Teddy Bear a blouse, a pair of pants and a redcap with Santa to be dressed as befits3) then have to give Teddy Bear a few accessories such as a pair ofshoes, a bow, and color package that will put the gift.This happened just one gift. You have to do this for more peopleand gifts should be different. We want to be different because wedo not have the same gift more children, must be unique and be verynice packaging.
Queen Baby Diaper Change 5.8.0
Cocos Apps
Hi, how are you today? Do you have plans fortoday? If you do not have plans with your friends then we'll giveyou a nice option to have fun right here in this game for kids. Youwill meet a royal family, you'll be able to make a new friend andyou'll be able to prove to all even you can be a responsible child.Through this game for girls you will meet our friend, she is queenand now she needs you to be able to take care of her baby. Do youwant to help the young mother? If you want to watch the littleprincess you can do this only if you pay attention todetails.Pay attention to all what baby needs.Please follow all instructions of this baby care game.- At the beginning of the game you will meet our friend;- You will notice that the baby is in bed and is asleep;- Expect to wake up;- After wakes you need to make sure that he will receive everythinghe needs;- Throw dirty diaper;- Wash the child;- Now you have to apply a special lotion;- Apply powder;- You need to choose a new diaper and dress the child;- Choose the most beautiful dress;- Princess wants to eat;- You'll have to help her eat, choose only healthy food;- Give her milk and fruits;- Choose the most beautiful accessories;- The girl is very beautiful, you're a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis game.Have fun!
Hawaii Chicken Cooking 9.1.3
Cocos Apps
For today try to offer exotic style bakedchicken. This recipe we prepare together, so I need a helping hand.Moving along to the kitchen where we have all the ingredients forcooking this recipe. We will wash their hands before cooking toremove bacteria was not sick, then go in the kitchen. Take the jarwith sweet sauce and place it in the bowl, then add a little brownsugar, orange juice without preservatives, white wine and a littlebutter. Ingredients in mixing bowl. Take chicken thighs and placein a baking pan, then take I prepared the sauce and pour it overthe chicken thighs. Preparing oven to 200 degrees celcius baking,take the pan with the chicken and bring it in, then wait thenecessary time baking, and here our food is ready to eat chicken.Frogs sit on a plateau, near which we put lettuce, a few pieces ofred peppers and fresh. Enjoy Meal.Use your fingers to play the gameEnjoy:)
Pregnant Ambulance Rescue 5.2.3
Cocos Apps
Hey, we all like babies, they are special.When a child is born it comes with a lot of hope that we can makelife more beautiful. Today you will be witness a great event,you'll be able to help a young woman to give birth. This is veryexcited for soon she will be able to know her baby. You willdefinitely be our friend and we'll help you to do everything verywell just through this game with babies. You will be able to testyour skills and even more you'll be able to prove that you are aresponsible child. You will have the most important role, namelyyou have to be a doctor who will help Meghan to give birth withoutpain. Thanks to you everything will happen exactly as it should andthe two will be healthy and happy.For the mission to have a happy ending, please pay attention to allthe details of this game Baby Care.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- Meghan began to have pain and fainted on the street;- She came to the hospital by ambulance;- You will need to consult;- Check heartbeat;- Check if younger has fever;- If she has pain you will have to give a special syrup;- Make ultrasound to see how it feels the child;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- You will need to consult her;- Check heartbeat;- Check the weight and height;- Now you have to give her baby food;- She wants to drink milk;- Prepare tub because you have to wash the child;- Fill the tub with warm water;- Choose a special shampoo for babies;- Rinse with warm water;- Choose the most beautiful clothes and accessories;- Mother and child feel great, you are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game for girls.Have fun!
Fairy cake christmas 7.7.1
Cocos Apps
Hello, winter holidays are approaching andthere are many things to prepare. Our friend fairy Macy wants toprepare a dessert for when come to visit her relatives and friends.She needs a friend who knows how to cook. Do you want to help? Doyou want to prove to everyone that you are a good cook? Do you wantto show your family that you can prepare a delicious dessert forChristmas? If your answer is yes then this game with Santa Clauswill help you do all these things. To lead the final mission youwill have to follow all instructions. This children's game issimple, first you have to fill a few blanks to be able to compose aword, then you must prepare a cake with chocolate and fruits.Sure you will do very well and our friend Macy will be very happy.Thank you for visiting us and we recommend you go back toplaying other games for girls, fairy games and christmas games.Thank you and come back soonHave fun and Merry Christmas!
Bubble bath baby games 8.9.3
Cocos Apps
Hi, today is a beautiful day and we want to goin the park along with our little boy. For this we have to preparecarefully. Clothing must be appropriate for such output. When youget out in the park with your parents do you prepare yourself orare you asking for help? Our baby is too small and he can notprepare himself and where you come in, you're the only one who canhelp our boy. With this game you can prove that you're aresourceful child that can help other children. Sure you accept tohelp us so please be very careful about what he wants and what thechild needs. Our little boy is called Adam. He is a sensitive childand the three levels of this kids care game gives you theopportunity to understand him.Please follow the instructions , you have to prepare very wellbecause Adam wants to play with others children.Success!1) First you should know that you'll find Adam in his room, heis angry and needs you to give her toy which is on the table. Thisis his favorite toy. Start preparing for the bathroom, you have tostrip the clothes then you can go to the bathroom. All dirtyclothes have to sit in a basket and then have to prepare thebathrobe;2) Prepare the tub, turn on the hot water to fill the tub andprepare a bubble bath because Adam loves to bathe in a bubble bath.Then take the child and place him in the tub and you can start towash him.First you need to wash his hair with a shampoo that he likes, thento wash the rest of the body with a special shower gel;3) After bathing is supposed to go in his room and he sat on thebed. Now you need to clean him with a soft towel until all thewater disappears, then you have to give him a baby lotion and thenhave to change his diaper;4) The time has come for the last part and that is to dress. Choosethe most beautiful clothes in the closet but please be careful tochoose the right clothes for a day in the park. Accessories arevery important and you have to be careful how you choose.Thank you for visiting us and we recommend you go back toplaying and other games for girls and queen games. Thank you andcome back soonThank you for your help, now we can come to the park with Adam,now he can play with his friends.You can come back anytime you want to take care of Adam throughthis game for kids.Have fun!
Princess Dress up 9.3.2
Cocos Apps
Our friend does not have a job but a few daysago my cousin proposed him a very attractive job that finally likesand believes will do great. But our problem is that my girlfrienddoes not know how to put on a makeup to look good for theinterview. It should look very good at this interview because shewants to work as a secretary to a very famous institution in hertown. You have to give lip gloss red, burgundy, scarlet andtransparent shine, you have to makeup, you have at hand the sameshades in order to match lip gloss, put his earrings, small, large,gold, silver precious metal earrings with crystals and evendiamonds have to choose, and a very nice necklace for theinterview, you might be able to do the hair, you can stretch it,you make it ripen, to catch him in a stem or two, you can evenimprovise, to choose the contact lenses, blue, green, purple,yellow, black or brown, do it with pencil on the eye and put alipstick. These things are not easily done, because at everyinstrument there are other colors and shades and you have to thinkhow to put them to be fit.
Pregnant Woman Nail Care 6.3
Cocos Apps
Hi, we're very glad that you have decided tovisit us today through this makeup game for girls. We all know thatwomen are very careful about the way they look and to always lookperfect they make many sacrifices. Today, in this game for girls,you could very well have fun with us. You will love to play everyday. We will become best friends and definitely you will visit usevery day through this makeup salon game for girls. If you like toalways look perfect we made the right choice and you're child thatcan handle with what we have prepared for you. We recently opened abeauty salon and we really need you to be able to make it the bestin town. If you want to help us you'll make us very happy and veryproud your family. With this game you will be able to prove toeveryone that you are a responsible child who can lead a bigbusiness. Soon you will definitely be a prominentbusinessman.If you want to make everything as we have planned you will have tofollow all instructions of this girls game with pregnantwomen.Pay attention to all the details of the game.Good luck!- Our friend is pregnant and wants to relax;- She will come to your salon to get what she wants;- You have to be very careful in everything she wants;- Sofia is in the garden, she takes care of plants;- Now she wants to go to the salon to have a beautifulmanicure;- You should wash her hands with warm water and soap;- Apply a treatment for hands;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Apply a new nail polish;- Choose a nice model;- Choose the most beautiful dress;- Do not forget the accessories;- You did a great job;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game for girls.Have fun!
Queen Feeding Baby Games 5.7.7
Cocos Apps
Hello, we are happy that you have chosen tovisit us today through this game with princesses. Your mission isvery special, you'll be able to be witness to a very nice momentyou'll be able to take care of a prince. Prince was born recentlyand now he needs care, he is very sensitive and please be careful.The Queen is very tired and now she is happy because today you willhelp her to care for the baby. Surely you'll have fun very well andyou will become friend with the little prince. You'll be able toprove to everyone that you are a responsible child who can takecare of a baby, we trust you and look forward to have fun togetherthrough this baby care game.To complete this mission you must pay attention to details.Follow all instructions of this game for girls.Good luck!- The child is in his room, sleeping for a few hours and youhave to wait to wake up;- He began to cry, you must offer his favorite toy;- You must wrap him with a blanket;- Now is hungry;- Give him milk and fruits;- Finally you must give him some water;- Prince wants to be held in the arms of his mother;- Help the Queen to sway him;- Redecorate the room;- Choose colored curtains;- Choose a beautiful wallpaper;- The queen is very pleased with the support received;- You are a good friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis games for children.Have fun!
Princess Beauty Hair Salon 10.1
Cocos Apps
Welcome to beauty princess game. In this roomhave access only princesses, and today you will go with us in thisroom, and we can explore the fantastic world of these wonderfulcharacters. Once in salon makeup of princesses, we will consultwith characters that will handle new and will be informed of theproceedings beauty. We will apply a special shampoo for princessesapply a cream that will recondition the hair after which we willclear the head with shower Then hairdresser will arrange your hairin little scissors. After this session of beauty, we can choose ourappropriate attire a real princess outfit We select favorite dressfrom the wardrobe of clothes. After wearing your favorite dress wechoose a hairstyle for this special day. We will be able to selectand color you want to appear In towards the end of the game we canin fact select a wreath with precious stones to wear a head andneck will choose a diamond necklace At the end of the game we couldand save picture posing with our princess phone directly to us HaveFunInstructions: Touch the screen with your fingers and controlitems to make beauty our princess
Monster First Aid 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
In front of your hospital door appeared infront of a large monster who asked for help because he was attackedby a group of piranha fish and is badly injured. You have to sit inthe operating room and to manage blood he lost much by contact withthe fish, we must manage oxygen to breath better, and will measurethe temperature to normal. Caregivers must face the hurt that islarge enough, we must remove foreign objects from the front and torepair teeth for each tooth and broken. We need to remove allforeign objects from the body to not get sick and harder to cleanthe area, and have to sew them all cut marks on the body. Then youmust make them an x-ray to see if you broke a bone, and we see thatthe right hand bone is fractured. We need to administer a tablet tocalm down and have to make them an injection that will make goodsea monster. We invite you to choose and other games for girls inthis series to test your skills and other issues related to thecare of small children.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Eye Treatment Doctor 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
I noticed that our little blonde girlfriendhas problems with her blue eyes, and for this reason we decided togo to an ophthalmologist. We inquired at the hospital that a doctoris on call so we can go to consult. Medical consultation andtreatment consists of putting eye drops to clean because they werevery injected and red. Checking routine eye ophthalmoscope, eyeclinical examination manual and check if the view is good or beimproved with glasses, myopia checking, computerized eye check tosee how the image is formed yellow spot, fundus choosing eyeglasslenses, eyeglass frames and final.Instructions: Play the game using your fingers
Newborn Hospital Check up 10.1
Cocos Apps
Hello. This week you will have to practice ina very famous hospital in your town, and you have to take care ofmany people. Today came an emergency, namely, Julie and she is awoman who has twenty years old and she will born a baby but needsyour help. For you is something you do for the first time, so wehave to be very careful as you can do in the future. In this gameyou must give proof of courage and help Julie.1) have to do some checking before surgery.2) she will administer an injection, after which she'll checkpulse, she'll make treatment and you will administer oxygen.3) you must wait until the operation is over, then you go baby inspecial room.4) weighs the child and make him some rays to see if the bones arein place.5) take him to the doctor administer some medications that willhelp him imblonaveasca not that easy.6) has a few spots on the face so you must remove them using acream.7) have to give the baby food to feel better.8) go in adjoining room and help him bathe, then go back back tothe salon.9) dress him, then take him to see his baby's mother.You did better than I thought, so I invite you to try othergames of this developer to help other people and to further testyour skills.Good luck!
Beauty Mom Baby Caring 5.7.0
Cocos Apps
Hello, now we are very happy that you camebecause for a long time we were waiting for a visit from a friend.You are the one we need in this beautiful day. Surely you willbecome our friend and therefore we will ask you to help us to solvea problem. Certainly you will like what we have prepared. If you'recurious about what it is we are going to explain to you. We have afriend who is pregnant, this is home alone and she needs you. Youhave to go to her home and help her with whatever she needs. Youshould be aware of all the details of this game for girls. we'resure you'll have fun as well and at the same time you'll be able totest your finest skills.Respect all the details of this baby care game for children.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you'll be able to know ourfriend;- She is in her house;- She began to have pain and you should start consultation;- First you should check if the younger has fever;- Check heartbeat;- You will have to give her some chocolate, it will provideenergy;- Make ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Check weight and height;- Check heartbeat;- After the baby is born you will have to take care of him;- Fill the tub with warm water;- Use baby shampoo;- Dry the baby with a towel;- Now you have to give him some food;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Pay attention to all accessories;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a great friend.Thank you for help, please come back to help us through thiskids game.Good luck!
Play with baby girls games 8.7.8
Cocos Apps
Hi, we all know that parents always work andsometimes they need a day off to relax and children stay with ababysitter or relative. Today we go to a party and our little girlneeds someone to take care of her. If you are a good friend and ifyou want to help us through this game with babies you'll be able toprove to everyone that you can take care of a child who is youngerthan you. Our little girl needs attention and please give all thetoys she wants. She likes to play around the house so it definitelyyou will not have problems. The game is very simple, you will haveto take care of our daughter and help her to fulfill all theactivities.It is important to behave very nicely with her because she is asensitive child.Please follow all instructions in this game for kids.Good luck!- You'll meet our beautiful daughter;- She is happy for you coming to visit her;- She wants to play so please help her to do what she wants;- You will quickly find all the toys she likes;- Most likes to ride a bike;- After playing our girl is hungry, please give her milk;- You can offer her a lollipop;- She wants to build a house, with your help she will surelysucceed;- You did a great job, our daughter is very happy.Thank you that today you have chosen to be with us, you are agood friend and please come back daily to help us through thisgame.Have fun!
Newborn Birth Baby Games 5.3
Cocos Apps
Hi, today our friend Rose is going to givebirth to a boy, we want to be with her but can not because we hadto leave the town. She is very sad because she will be only on thisimportant day and now she needs someone who can help her. Do youwant to help her through this game with babies? Do you want to beour friend? If you want to make new friends then this game for kidsis exactly what you need. Today through this game for girls you'llbe able to test your skills and also you'll be able to have funvery well.The game is simple, you will only need to pay attention toeverything that needs Rose.She is very nervous and she has great confidence in you that youwill be able to do everything that she needs.Please follow all instructions in this game for kids.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet Rose;- You have to help her make luggage to be able to go to thehospital;- In the suitcase you should add: baby clothes, blankets, shoes,pacifier, toothbrush, milk and baby powder;- Now you have to help Rose to change her clothes;- Choose comfortable shoes;- Young arrived at the hospital and you have to startconsultation;- Check heartbeat;- Check if the girl has fever;- Check blood pressure;- You have to do ultrasound to see the status of the child;- Do anesthesia;- Help the Rose to breathe properly;- The child was born;- You should check height and weight;- Give him milk;- Choose the most suitable clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you're a good doctor.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis game to care for children.Have fun!
Miss Universe Beauty Salon 5.3
Cocos Apps
Hello, since ancient times women haveresortedto the most interesting tricks of beauty. Nowadays thereare manybeauty parlors and this is a great happiness for women whowant tobe pampered. Certainly know a lot about beauty contests, intheseevents most beautiful girls attend to win the grand prize.Todayyou have the opportunity to meet some of the most beautifulgirlsin the world and certainly they will become your friends.Thismakeup salon game is very beautiful, you'll feel good when youhaveto take care of three young women who want to win the prize.Yoursalon is the best in town and this is why we have greatconfidencein you. In order to make everything as planned you willhave to bevery attentive to everything our beautiful friends want.They wantan eye makeup to put them out and only you can helpthem.Surely you are a good stylist and you'll have more customers.Followall instructions of this miss universe contest game.Success!- In the beginning you can choose one of three girls;- You have to start with spa treatment;- Wash her face with soap;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Eliminate acne;- Apply a cream concealer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Hairstyle hair;- Choose a suitable hairstyle for this event;- Choose contact lenses;- Apply: eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, headlight eyelids, cheeksandpowder brow pencil;- You must choose the most beautiful dress;- Then you have to choose the most interesting accessories;- Young looks great;- Can go in the competition;- Definitely she will win the grand prize;- You're a good friend.Thank you for helping, please come back every day throughthisbeauty salon game for girls.Have fun!
First Party Clean up 7.7.9
Cocos Apps
Last night there was a huge party to whichwereinvited many people. After everyone went home remained a totalmessand should clean up as soon as the head has to come and do notwantto see this mess. Have to call more people to be able tofinishcleaning as soon as possible so and you're invited to thiswork. Inthis game you have to help us clean up the wholerestaurant, so wehave to start soon.1) First you have to throw every misery in a specialplace.2) then you must put each plate in place and clean it.3) have to wash away and remove all traces and stains onthewalls.4) then we have to go to another room and do the same thingbecauseit's a total mess and there.5) finally have to go outside and clean all seats and alltheterrace as it is very very dirty.Thanks you agreed to help us in this game because the boss hastocome in control and do not want to see the restaurant in thisway.Are you a person of trust and we will call you.Good luck!
Motorcycle Wash 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
I thought the bike out today for a walkaroundtown but it is too dirty and can not circus so , thereforeIthought to go to the nearest laundry to wash and clean it , andinorder to get quiet ride. Once the laundry , I saw no onestandingin a row so I put in front and waited for employees to comebut Isaw that no one comes, and I only had to wash my bike. We needyourhelp to rinse the car with a strong jet of water to cleanthewheels because they are full of dirt . You have to apply a layeroffoam machines for dirt disappear as easy as possible . You needtoinsert the car between rotating brushes to be washed and thenmustapply a coat of wax to shine . Thanks for the help , the girlyouwould not be able to go for a walk today .Instructions: This game is played with fingers
Pregnant Princess Hospital 12.2
Cocos Apps
All mothers really want to have a baby, butnotall can do this. At the hospital in our city, you can registerforvolunteers who want to help mothers give birth to theirchildren,and to be with them and after they were born. In thisgame you musthelp a princess birth their child, then you havelittle care of himin hospital. You think you can handle it? Let'ssee!1) at first she will do a physical princess.2) then you must wait childbirth.3) need to take control and child because not feeling well.4) now, you can take a bath very hot and beautiful.5) must choose the most beautiful clothes for our child.6) now you will go and you will leave his mother in her care.Thanks you agreed to help us through this wonderful gameforgirls and invite you to come back every day to be with us.Have fun!
Alisia Little Baby Care 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
It is time for our smart little baby totakebath. Take care of our little baby and make she happy. Thereare avariety of soaps and shampoons available. You can give anicefragrance soap and shampoons to little baby. Don't forget tomakeher happy by giving toys to play. Once the bath is completedmakeher dry with a towel, and use combstick and powder to makeherbeautiful, then give her a nice toys to play for an moment,andfinally dressup her, and give her again nice toys to play.Dressthe girl with the cutest dresses and aofera graderoba'smostbeautiful accessories you have, rings, pendants, Cordelia,earringsand many other beautiful accessoriesControl: play with your fingers.
Mermaid Mommy Newborn Twins 4.6
Cocos Apps
Hello, if you're looking for a fun kidsgamehere you find out exactly what you need because we haveprepared asuper time. It will enjoy our surprise especially if youlikechildren. If you have younger brothers definitely know thatbabiesare very playful and nice but you should not forget that theyalsohave special needs. A baby needs special care and we thoughtthatyou are suitable for this mission. If you're wondering whatthismission is about you should know that is extremely beautifulandparticular will have to take care of twins. The two littleoneswill be born soon in the depths of the ocean because theirmotheris a beautiful mermaid. It lives on the bottom of the ocean.Withthis baby care game you'll be able to visit a wonderful landandmore than that you'll be able to prove that you are a gooddoctor,a good nanny and especially that you are a trusted friend.You willdefinitely like to spend time with us through this gamewithmermaids.If you want to have a beautiful end you will have to beveryattentive to all the instructions that we have preparedespeciallyfor you.Success!- At the beginning of the game you will meet abeautifulmermaid;- It was in her room;- She needs a time to relax and you have to help her;- Select her favorite songs and then help her to sit onthebed;- Give her an orange juice;- Children love to listen to music;- Choose clothes very comfortable;- Now she needs to go to hospital;- Make ultrasound to see how they are babies;- Check the tension;- Check if younger has a fever;- Children feel very well;- Beautiful mermaid came home and now wants to makechildren'sclothes;- You'll have to help;- Choose the most beautiful materials;- The clothes are very beautiful;- You have to make luggage;- The baggage must add: sunglasses, blouses and shirts;- Young siren has to give birth;- This goes to the hospital;- You have to do anesthesia;- The children were born;- Check heartbeat;- Now you have to change diapers;- Apply baby powder;- Give them food;- The two little ones want to bathe;- Fill the tub with hot water;- Add foam;- Wash children with special shower gel;- Now you have to arrange the children's room;- Arrange furniture;- Arrange the toys on the table;- The room looks very good;- You have to prepare some fresh fruit for lunch;- Choose the most beautiful clothes for children;- Do not forget the accessories;- Decorate with balloons;- Prepare cake;- The party will be wonderful.You did a very good job and because of this we want to visitusevery day through this game to organized parties for girls.Have fun!
Flower Garden Baby Care 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
Raina moved to a new house much larger andmorespacious. She finds all good in this house but to hersurprise, thebig garden isn't full of flowwers. So she wants toplant as manyflowers to have a garden as beautiful and rich inflowers. Rainaneed to help to make it so you have to go in thegarden and helpclean it because it is quite dirty. You need toprepare some flowerpots in which the seeds and then we'll put wetwith water tostimulate growth. We need to help our friend to takea bath Raianout, so we washed her hair and then we rinse littlewater to removedirt and soap. Raina got to go home to help indifferent things likeplay with the teddy bear or eating a fruitsalad. Still have to getout in the garden and we see that all theflowers planted by Rainaincreased, so we have to pick a few toprepare a bouquet to a lovedone. Please try other games for girlsin this series for all testyour skills in caring for smallchildren.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Ear Care Doctor 8.9.2
Cocos Apps
Rita spends his summer vacation alone inthehouse with her new toys received from her father. Whileplayingwith her toys, she noticed that one ear was bleeding prettybadly.She began to cry very loud and could not bear the pain sowedecided to take her to a hospital as quickly to view a doctor.Oncethe adjustments to the hospital must enter the doctor's officeandwait until it comes. We need to erase traces of blood near theearand must apply a cream on a point that appeared on the ear. Weneedto cut your hair a tangle in your ear, and will extract allthegerms on it he has to recover the ear. We'll put a device inyourear with which we can see the little ear Rita and we will beableto clean all the dirt and bacteria that we all have the earthatmight cause pain. We need to squeeze red dots near the earandstill we will make you cream layer cake then we will injectaliquid into the ear. You need to give him a drug that willrestrainthe spread of bacteria from the ear and other problems. Weinviteyou to choose and other games for girls so you can see ifyou'redoing this kind of games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mommy Gives Birth Maternity 8.5
Cocos Apps
Hello. Rose, my older sister is pregnantandsoon to give birth to this child needs you looking forward.Herfamily is not at home these days and need someone to take careofmy sister, but I'm not doing so well as it should do. In thisgame,you have to be the person who will take care of my sister andthatwill help to give birth to this baby.1) First you have to wake up and give it food.2) then you have to call an ambulance and take her tothehospital.3) there must Drs files so you can make them international.4) The first day need to take control.5) the second day you will make final checks before surgery.6) the baby has born.7) he needs treatment because not feeling well.8) Rose goes home with the child to take a bath.9) then you must dress and take care of him.We invite you to choose and other games for girls to checkyourknowledge and in other games of this developer.Have fun!
First Time Girls Beauty Salon 7.1
Cocos Apps
first time girls beauty salon - girls games